Marco – Nurse

Nurse Practitioners are clinicians who work collaboratively with specialists, allied health providers and support staff to achieve the best possible treatment, recovery and ongoing care outcomes for patients.  Marco is passionate about his role as a specialist Urology Nurse Practitioner.  One of only a few Urology Nurse Practitioners in the country, Marco utilises his extensive nursing experience in combination with his specialist training to inform, support and guide patients from their first referral to their final visit to Northern Urology.

With a focus on patient welfare and wellbeing, Marco walks each patient through an initial consult, using everyday language to discuss any issues and symptoms.  He then passes this information on to the specialist with his insights into the patient’s condition and potential treatment options.  Once the Urologist has seen the patient and made his determinations, Marco then supports the patient by answering any and all questions about treatments, medications and possible short and long term side effects.  Through his guidance, patients are encouraged to make informed decisions and access the specific care and support options they require to optimise their health and wellbeing outcomes.


Nurse Practitioner (Urology)
Northern Urology, Cairns, Queensland
October 2016 to Present

Clinical Nurse Specialist Urology, Continence and Stomal Therapy
Western Australia
May 2007 to July 2016

Continence Advisor
Central Great Southern Area of Great Southern Health Region – Population Health Services, Western Australia
February 2004 to May 2007

Registered Nurse and Continence Advisor
Kojonup Hospital, Western Australia
July 2002 to December 2006

Registered Nurse – Continence Advisor and Stomal Therapy Nurse
Silver Chain, Albany, Western Australia
December 2001 to June 2002

Registered Nurse – Continence Advisor and Stomal Therapy Nurse
Silver Chain, Albany, Western Australia
October 2001 to July 2004

Continence Advisor and Wound Care Nurse
Denmark District Health Service, Western Australia
July 2001 to August 2002

Registered Nurse
Denmark District Health Service, Western Australia
August 2000 to June 2002


Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia

Post Graduate Nurse Practitioner/ Urology
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia

Continence Nurse Consultant Course
Hollywood Private Hospital, Perth, Western Australia

Stomal Therapy Nurse
Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses, Perth, Western Australia

Bachelor of Science (Nursing)
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia

Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing)
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia


Australian AND NZ Urological Nurses Society (ANZUNS)

British Association of Urological Nurses (BAUN)

International Continence Society (ICS)

Continence Foundation of Australia (CFA)

Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses (AASTN)

International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS)

Australian Nurses Federation (ANF)
